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The site for the new hospital currently contains outdated hospital buildings and a car park.

The location for the new hospital was selected after extensive testing of alternatives, engagement with the London Borough of Sutton, and consultation with staff, patients and the public. Of the three sites considered during the Improving Healthcare Together consultation, the Sutton Hospital site provides the most benefits.

These benefits include:

  • Location: the site is central to the catchment we serve.
  • Build programme: it will be quicker, and with less impact on the quality of care we provide, to build a new hospital at Sutton than it would be to empty either Epsom and St Helier and rebuild those old buildings. We expect the brand new hospital to be open within just four years of construction beginning.
  • Shared location with other NHS uses: by co-locating with the Royal Marsden, Maggie’s Centre and the Oak Cancer Centre (currently under construction), we can share services for the benefit of our patients.



Map showing the new hospital and multi-storey car park

Public transport considerations

TfL recently consulted on proposed changes to bus routes, including three new routes, across Sutton and South Croydon. Their intention is make bus travel simpler and more efficient, and to improve access to key locations and developments, including our proposed hospital and the emerging London Cancer Hub which is co-located on this site.

If the TfL plans go ahead, they will help to encourage a shift from travel by car to public transport and this will support our efforts to make greener transport more accessible.

We continue to engage with TfL and the London Borough of Sutton on these matters.

We are also working with Surrey County Council regarding travel and access and will be introducing new park and ride stops across our sites.